Monday, March 1, 2021

The Importance of God's Word


The Importance of God's Word
By: Olga Escarsega

On this 1st week on learning The Importance of the Word of God, I want to share with you about an article I read.  In which a survey was conducted on church goers that revealed that only 45% of church goers read their bibles only once a week.
No wonder so many believers are struggling and are living unfulfilled lives. 

As true followers of Jesus Christ our purpose should be that the Word of God (Bible) take prominence over other person’s opinions.
If we are not familiar with God’s will for us, we will be prone to follow other people’s ideas or advise.  Therefore, it is important to spend time in reading God’s word (Bible). 

God warns us in Hosea 4:6 that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
Unless we know the truth, which is found in the God’s word, about His will for us we will not resist or will settle for less of what Jesus Christ proved for us on the cross.
If we do not understand that He came to give us an abundant life (John 10:10b), in all areas of our life (marriage, health, finances, work, etc.) our prayers for help or guidance will not be said in faith. 

In the early years of my marriage, I was exposed to the truth of God’s Word when I attended a Christian Church.  When I heard the Pastor say that not everyone drank or were alcoholics.  I could not believe him I literally waited and believe someone was going to yell at him, “You liar!”

You see, since I was a child all I was ever familiar with were people who drank (true alcoholics).  When they ran out of money, they would take the colognes and perfumes in the house and drank them for the alcohol it contained. 

So, when I heard this Pastor say that we did not have to settle for that type of life.  I fell in love with God’s Word.  I wanted to know more of the truth, I refused to be deceived any longer.  The happiness and peace of my children and myself depended on the truth of God’s will for our lives and I knew the answer were found in the bible.    

I learned that God would speak to me through His Word.  In 2 Tim 3:16 it tells us that, all scripture was given by the inspiration of God, and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof/correction, for instruction in righteousness.

Through this amazing Word:
-I became Born Again (Saved) and would be spending eternity with my heavenly Father
  (Acts 4:12, Rom 10:9, Eph 2:8-9)
-I saw how the Word of God was true (trustworthy) and a shield that I could take refuge in     
  times of need. (Prov 30:5)
-I learned that God’s Word was established and unchangeable.  I saw how the impossible
 become possible when applying God’s Word to any situation in faith.
  (Luke 1:37, Matthew 19:26, Ps 119:89)

Let me encourage you with the words found in Psalm 119:105, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

You can be assured that in the Word of God are the answers and pathway towards an Abundant life that Jesus Christ came to give us.